I love, progress, beautify all things in my life and seek to make it long and its purpose in the service of people. My ego can create my career, or it can destroy years of work in a short period of time. In my business, or any business really, it is too easy to become trapped by my own madness when I lead and influence others for a living. People say nice things, give me credit for changing their lives and elevate me to a level that sets me apart from others. The hard thing to remember is that I only exist through their good graces. If I have success in life, at any level, it is through the permission of others. I must always remember where I came from and how I got there. It is a slow climb to the top, but it can be a quick fall to the bottom if I forget the people who helped get me there. I must always remember to keep my head down in success, and my head up in failure.